Middle School Beginner Coding Activity
No prior experience with Scratch is necessary to complete this activity. Submission instructions below.
This coding tutorial can be accessed here!: https://hourofcode.com/googlehero
Complete activities will have all of the following elements:
- Unique main character- that comes from your own life and experience (shown with text and design)
- Basic Character Movements (up and down)
- Advanced Character Movements (spin)
- Background Music
- Moving Buildings
- Objects and Scoreboard
- Supporting character with dialog and movements coordinated with main character
How to submit your activity for credit:
1. Once you have finished your project go to the file menu at the top of the screen and select “Save to your computer”
Note: Must be a .sb, .sb2, or .sb3 file. for us to open it.
2. Locate the saved file and label it “Your Name_BeginnerMESACoding”
3. Submit file to your teacher
1. Once you have finished your project go to the file menu at the top of the screen and select “Save to your computer”
Note: Must be a .sb, .sb2, or .sb3 file. for us to open it.
2. Locate the saved file and label it “Your Name_BeginnerMESACoding”
3. Submit file to your teacher