High School Beginner Coding Activity
To start learning Python and repl.it, follow the Code Along tutorial posted below! Feel free to get creative with your code. This video should introduce basic python concepts and start preparing you for the MESA day coding competition which will also use repl.it and Python. To upload your completed activity to be a part of the raffle, please follow the instructions listed below the video. Good luck!
How to submit your activity for evaluation:
1. Once you have finished your project go to where it says "Files" in the repl.it, underneath your name and click on the 3 vertical dots to expand the menu (like this).
2. Click "Download as Zip"
3. Open zip download in your home files and rename the "main.py" file to “Your Name_HSBeginnerMESACoding”
3. Click on: https://pacificmesaonline.wufoo.com/forms/z1l6b74x1g4r1xj/. Fill in the required information and upload this file in the upload file box.
4. When you have successfully submitted you should receive the message, “Great! Thanks for submitting your competition. Winners will be announced December 15th!”
1. Once you have finished your project go to where it says "Files" in the repl.it, underneath your name and click on the 3 vertical dots to expand the menu (like this).
2. Click "Download as Zip"
3. Open zip download in your home files and rename the "main.py" file to “Your Name_HSBeginnerMESACoding”
3. Click on: https://pacificmesaonline.wufoo.com/forms/z1l6b74x1g4r1xj/. Fill in the required information and upload this file in the upload file box.
4. When you have successfully submitted you should receive the message, “Great! Thanks for submitting your competition. Winners will be announced December 15th!”